Know your Trash Pump
What Are Trash Pumps Used For? Trash pumps are specially designed water pumps that will move water crammed with solids and debris. Trash pumps have larger discharge openings and thicker impeller vanes to pump large volumes of liquids that contain solids. Solids in water include leaves, mud, twigs, and sludge. Most of the people use trash pumps in ponds and lakes thanks to the sludge. However, these pumps also are great at construction sites usually for draining water after digging construction sites. Do Trash Pumps Need Servicing? Yes, trash pumps need servicing. Granted, trash pumps are built from durable materials to make sure they last. However, they require servicing like all other machines that you simply use. The best thing about trash pumps is that they're going to provide reliable services for long periods with zero maintenance. How Are Trash Pumps Different From Water Pumps? Water pumps usually handle clear water with no solids or debris while trash pumps can move ...